Sea Level Restaurant Seger Architects was commissioned to design the new Sea Level restaurant in the historic seaport city of Newburyport, MA. Sea Level is a successful, waterfront seafood restaurant currently in Salem ,MA. The Owner, currently operating Sea Level and another more upscale waterfront establishment is looking to expand his waterfront based fare to this…
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Dandee Donuts
Dandee Donuts Factory at Warwick Place Warwick Place, located in Marblehead, MA is home to a restaurant and luxury dine-in cinema complex. The only thing it was missing was a morning and day time draw. The owners of Warwick Place partnered with the Dandee Donut Factory to fill this need. Seger Architects, Inc. was…
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A&B Burgers Beverly
A&B Burgers - Beverly A&B Burgers commissioned Seger Architects, Inc. to design a trendy but casual space. A&B Burgers took over the space being used as a skate park and formerly a food market. Working with Seger Architects, they completely renovated the space, imbuing their unique funky aesthetic and up-scale all american fare. Large overhead garage doors…
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A&B Salem
A&B - Salem A&B Burgers commissioned Seger Architects in 2013 to design a trendy but casual space to blend harmoniously within the historic context of the multi-award winning, National Register structure known as the Salem Jail Complex in Salem, MA. SAI Project Architect, Dan Ricciarelli, was instrumental in implementing the initial development of the vacant,…
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