55-59 Federal Street

  • 55 Federal
  • 55 Kit
  • 55 Exterior
  • 55-59 Exterior
  • 55 Dining
  • 55 LR FP
  • 55 Bath
  • 55 fireplace
  • 55 LR

2018 Preservation Award

The original buildings were constructed circa 1850 as a double and single family home. A one-story breezeway connects the two buildings located on two adjacent parcels. Over time, the buildings and fallen into great disrepair. Seger Architects, Inc. was hired to study the buildings for a multi-family use. The renovations included converting the buildings into 9 residential units and included extensive interior and exterior repairs. The project for the conversion of the existing multi-use building into a Residential Use for a total of 9 residential units.

The project received Historic Tax Credits for the improvements and a number of preservation awards.


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